We build young minds, bodies and souls to aggressively pursue life and become moral leaders who inspire others to do the same.
We are Christian-based School focused on developing leaders.
Respect yourself through the development of yourself.
Respect others through a willingness to serve and share.
ALWAYS believe there are no limitations except those you accept.

Benefits of an after school program are widespread. Quality after school programs provide a safe, nurturing place of supervision for school age children where there ae opportunities to reinforce learning from school, teach social skills and encourage good citizenship. Being involved in an after school program helps youth avoid unsafe situations and behaviors.

After School Program
After school programs meet the supervision expectations of working parents who want enrichment for their child, or have been recommend by their respective schools for extra academic and social development. Services are offered after school and during non-school days, such as holidays or summer vacations. They are designed to offer safe, secure places that children and youth can go on a regular basis when schools are not in session.

K4 to Sixth Grade
CYMLA is generally designed to serve children and youth in kindergarten through grade sixth. It is important for us to remember that we don’t just serve the children but we also serve the parents of the children.

"We are excited about what the future holds for your little leaders! Here at the CYMLA we value every experience and look forward to a great year."
Tasha Clark
Program Director
Explanation of our vision
“To build” implies a systematic and intentional approach in developing children towards leadership and social responsibility. We highlight social responsibility to defeat the lies of selfishness and insignificance. Our children need to know that they are critical in the development of the world that we will leave behind for them.
Moral leadership is one that is based on our children having been taught right and wrong not based on relativism but based on absolutes found in scripture. Our children will be taught to filter decisions through their understanding of God’s expectations of how we treat ourselves and our neighbor.
The message of “aggressively pursuing life” is one that says the responsibility of building the life you desire rests upon your shoulders and we stress that you are well able to do it. We want our children to realize that they are the architects of their lives and if they make the decision to go after their dreams, help and resources will appear.
We will develop their minds by stressing the important of getting wisdom and understanding. Academic excellence will be the norm and not the exception as we will reinforce that it is the “minimum” payment that they will make in achieving their goals.
We will stress the importance of healthy bodies as we stress exercise and make available to them our athletic programs. We will also ensure healthy snacks and meals.
We will develop their souls through daily chapel and through the emphasis on the arts. Options within the arts will be: music appreciation, spoken word, drama and drawings both by hand and eventually computer.
We will instill the need to share and to teach others by having the older classes assist with the younger classes in their studies. A system has to be created under each of these bullet points to ensure that this culture is built and maintained.
How do we accept payment for our services?
Parents are asked to pay a week in advance either by submitting a payment on site or through DSS vouchers. You can also make a payment online by clicking here.
We encourage you to schedule a visit with us, meet our director and tour our facility. We are confident that we are the program for you.
We encourage you to schedule a visit with us, meet our director and tour our facility. We are confident that we are the program for you.